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Offline Rosver  
#1 Posted : Sunday, February 15, 2015 12:43:33 AM(UTC)

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To all who read and liked the book. I would like to know what you are looking forward to in book 2. There are probably a lot you would like to read about in the upcomming book.

For me, I'm looking forward to Tom's interaction with Ramses, Bess and Exador. Tom has rather very limited interaction with the three demons in book 1, but yet it still is interesting. I think we will get more interesting account about it in book 2.

I'm also looking forward to reading about the Rod's reaction to the abduction of their Knight Rhampant. It was rather a great loss of face for them.

I'm also looking forward to meeting other creatures/species in Astlan. We mostly meet humans and demons in book 1 but clearly there are many more creatures in Astlan that we are to met yet.

So what is yours? Anything you want to read about in Book 2?
Offline Iume  
#2 Posted : Sunday, February 15, 2015 2:58:53 AM(UTC)

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1. Tiernon / Rod v. Tom
2. Tom's "rehabilitation" of Talarius
3. Wizard' reaction post-expulsion. Do they now know of Exador's true nature? How will Lenamare react? I suspect a gleeful dance.
4. Jenn, Maelen, Gastropé post-explusion.
5. Will Lenamare finally summon Tom? Can Lenamare force Tom to spell out his true name?
6. Will Tom ever get or make a proper home?
7. Tizzy's commentary

Edit: My understanding is that book 2 will give us Saint Hilda of Rivenrock - Avatar of Tiernon, the Grove, and possibly the Grove gods. Alvar will probably be met.

Edited by user Sunday, February 15, 2015 4:00:57 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Tizzy  
#3 Posted : Sunday, February 15, 2015 9:36:53 PM(UTC)

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Personally, I am looking forward to getting out of this stupid cave with the Tin Can, the Incubus, the bard (who is threatening us with a 34 hour long ballad about some silly event from 4000 years ago), Tom, Rupert, Boggy and Boggy's buddy Estrebrius...

Tom really needs more furniture, he's like the only one that can fit in his chair the rest of us just stand or sit on the ground...

Boggy and I have been talking about organizing a tour of the Abyss for everyone. I'm thinking we'll head over to Hellsprings Eternal and maybe soak in the lava flows for the afternoon (such as it is with no way of measuring time here). I'm sure the Tin Can will enjoy that, I'm thinking he'll boil in his own perspiration inside his can and then we can all enjoy some boiled paladin.

I've never tasted boiled paladin, so maybe that's what I'm most looking forward to.

Offline Iume  
#4 Posted : Sunday, February 15, 2015 9:39:06 PM(UTC)

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Wait, who is the Incubus? Also, Estrebrius. Hm.
Offline Rosver  
#5 Posted : Sunday, February 15, 2015 11:18:26 PM(UTC)

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1. Hmmm. Tom might just avoid this one. Tom doesn't seem to like confrontation but the Rod does. So I look forward to their actions than Tom's.

2. Tom rehabilitating Talarius? Lol. If he could.

3. I don't think they will be dancing. It does show something bad, the greatest center of wizard activity are infiltrated by demons for no one knows how long. That is a big fault in the eyes of ordinary citizens. Not to mention, there is the abduction of Talarius which is known to be one of the greatest warrior at that time. Everything just went wrong.

4. They probably will be extremely stressed. Lol.

5. Lenamare could, probably. Tom is already in the Abyss which is a requirement to summon the demon but I think the wizards would doubt the wisdom of the act. Well, not that they had shown any wisdom so Lenamare would probably do it. No danger though, Tom is tame.

6. Yeah, but where? The Abyss is just a big NO. Maybe he will live as his Edwyrd persona in Astlan and earn some money... well lots of money... build a house or something. He could become a tutor or teacher, he seems good in using magic.

7. And maybe Tizzy will have his own point of view this time around. Or maybe not. He will not be interesting anymore if he had, I guess.

Oh!! And not to mention new characters! The Heavenly Host... whoever it is... seems like an awesome one.


Why not invite the whole gang to your place?

And its not Paladin. He hate to be called that.

And new characters. WOOO!

Also if he is a bard. What songs did he write/make? Bards make songs right? Or you will not really be a bard.
Offline Tizzy  
#6 Posted : Sunday, February 15, 2015 11:47:29 PM(UTC)

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What do you mean if I had a point of view I would not be interesting anymore; I have lots of points of view! Most of them contradictory!

The bard is named Antefalken, he was most recently working for this nosy Damien guy. He and Boggy are pretty tight. I don't know if he composed that 34 hour Balladae Orcusae he keeps wanting to play, but apparently he has played and sung it before the Triumverate and others...

I'm not that much for music, but I suppose he must be decent enough if he plays the Courts...if they don't like your work, well, they will pretty literally tear you to pieces...

FYI a Host is not a person, well, I suppose it could be, but in this case Host as in Hosts I've Heard on High, as in host of angels, the female members of which (Hostesses) are as in Twinkie salesmen, although I'd rather have Ding Dongs or Cup Cakes....mmmhhh Hostess Cupcakes!

But I digress, in the case of Vol II, it means the Host of Avatars descending on stress there....apparently they want to find out how the Rod screwed things up and lost their prize knight in shining armor.

The incubus, ehh, I mention him in some other posts in this forum. He's annoying, I don't trust him. I don't think you should trust him either, so when you read the book, take everything he says with a grain of rice. Salt grains wouldn't be big enough for this guy.
Offline Iume  
#7 Posted : Monday, February 16, 2015 2:02:42 AM(UTC)

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Some additional things:

8. Verigas's punishment. Think about it, he was possessed at the end and then Tom returned to full power with various members of the Rod under his control. I wonder how the Rod will treat Verigas now.

9. Will we learn what the stolen book is about? I suspect the book allows one to gain the power Concordenax or of gods, but it would be nice to find out.

10. Will we see more of the mirror used by Talarius to rate demon strength and will it be used on the Avatar's (deliberate or accident)? What will it show? Basically I want to see a theological upset in Astlan.

11. What is going on with Johen-Maelen-Elrose-Trisfelt conspiracy & the visions they've had? There is something going on, but so little information.

Regarding #2 - I say "rehabilitation" but really, what will Tom do with Talarius? Sell him, lecture him, brainwash him? Will Tom let him go just to see how people treat Talarius after he returns from damnation? Perhaps such corruption can never be cleansed!

Regarding #4 - How will Jenn and Maelen react if they learn Edwyrd is Tom as I suspect will happen?

Offline Tizzy  
#8 Posted : Monday, February 16, 2015 5:05:56 PM(UTC)

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Hmm, that uncleanable corruption thing is nice. Maybe figure out how to embed a deep dark aura on him that anyone with *sight can see, but that can't be cleaned. It doesn't do anything just glows a malevolent black color and freaks people out.

Tom is hemming and hawing on what to do. He doesn't like any of my suggestions, which is very odd since they were all quite reasonable.
Offline JMX  
#9 Posted : Monday, February 16, 2015 5:22:59 PM(UTC)

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I think Maelen already knows that Edward is Tom. When they first meet he calls Edward Tom after reading him. Then everyone refers to the demon Tom add that with the portal to the abyss and I would guess he figured it out and is just waiting for Edward to come clean. Add in the future sight and his ability to read Edwyrd it might cut back on the normal fear response.

I am looking forward to Exador's reaction along with Beth and Ramses. Mainly their shock from the fight maybe something along the lines of "a lvl4 demon can't do that."

It will also be interesting seeing everyone's else's reaction since the fight was recorded.

Lastly I want to see if Tom changes any from stealing the gods mana near the end of the fight.
Offline Madfox11  
#10 Posted : Tuesday, February 17, 2015 2:12:12 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: JMX Go to Quoted Post
I am looking forward to Exador's reaction along with Beth and Ramses. Mainly their shock from the fight maybe something along the lines of "a lvl4 demon can't do that."

It will also be interesting seeing everyone's else's reaction since the fight was recorded.

Lastly I want to see if Tom changes any from stealing the gods mana near the end of the fight.

This, especially the commentary by the arch demons after Tom hops away. We get it in between, but I am really curious whether or not what Tom did was truly unique or just something archfiends don't do because of some ancient unspoken accord between demons and deities...

Note that I have the suspicion the book contains the true names of one or more archdemons if not the upper echolon ones.

Edited by user Tuesday, February 17, 2015 2:14:39 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline JMX  
#11 Posted : Tuesday, February 17, 2015 4:12:12 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Madfox11 Go to Quoted Post
Originally Posted by: JMX Go to Quoted Post
I am looking forward to Exador's reaction along with Beth and Ramses. Mainly their shock from the fight maybe something along the lines of "a lvl4 demon can't do that."

It will also be interesting seeing everyone's else's reaction since the fight was recorded.

Lastly I want to see if Tom changes any from stealing the gods mana near the end of the fight.

This, especially the commentary by the arch demons after Tom hops away. We get it in between, but I am really curious whether or not what Tom did was truly unique or just something archfiends don't do because of some ancient unspoken accord between demons and deities...

Note that I have the suspicion the book contains the true names of one or more archdemons if not the upper echolon ones.

I venture to say it's not something that can normally be done. Tom was only able to do it by using the blessed arrow heads but no one else knows that. They will just see it as Tom using pure power to steal from a god/over come a circle of priests.

As far as the book I would bet it's more then just names. The Wizards already state you don't control archdemons you get roasted by them. This would imply even knowing a name to summon is not enough to control higher level demons just based on a power stand point. Of course Exador states that if someone had opened the book they would already be taking over the abyss so still has to be something along those lines.

Also waiting sucks.
Offline Tizzy  
#12 Posted : Tuesday, February 17, 2015 4:31:29 PM(UTC)

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Are we talking about that book that Jenn was carrying around instead of her diary?

I took a look at it, the title was "The Winds of Winter"

Not sure what that is, but it sounds cold. And why such a huge number of people are trying to get their hands on it is beyond me.
Offline whomightub3  
#13 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2015 12:03:54 AM(UTC)

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weird, my old account doesn't exist anymore.
Anyways, Tom's hole in the ground could definitely use an upgrade or 3. Does Tom know any constructive magic, or is it just all shady combat stuff? If he doesn't know any constructive magic, upgrading his hole in the ground would be the work of multiple lifetimes.
It would appear that Tom probably just became a major celebrity to the demons, who haven't seen anything new in near forever. It stands to reason that if you don't eat sleep or breath, then the only things that mater is power and entertainment. If so, then Tom just became the breakout political-super-star of the millennium. How would he ever get anything done?
Offline Iume  
#14 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2015 12:07:47 AM(UTC)

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Well, if Tom didn't have constructive magics before he might have them now that has absorbed godly mana. Perhaps it will have side-effects?
Offline Tizzy  
#15 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2015 1:56:34 AM(UTC)

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Eek...your account disappeared?

Had you responded to the email and fully logged in?

We get a lot of spam requests for accounts from a spambot that runs all over the place from different infected machines. They use real legitimate emails and even fill out addresses and phone numbers of people from all over the world.

But, since they aren't the real people, they can't respond to the email to confirm there account.

Every so often I go through and clean out people that never responded to the email within like a week or so.

That could have happened to your old account. You can log in the first time, and even fill out your profile, but to login a second time you have to follow the link in the email.

OR if you had gone through the email process I could have somehow screwed up. Sorry about that.


I can tell you the fixing up Tom's hole in the ground is a big topic of discussion, as a lot of us are stuck in it, bored. And there ain't much for furniture. Although Antefalken just bought some cards at Hellsprings Eternal so at least there will be something to do. Boggy has another excursion planned for tomorrow, it would be nice to sleep, but we demons don't do that. Other than Rupert. The tin can sleeps as well, but he's still recuperating from Tom knocking the stuffing out of him.

I might sleep...I drank quite a bit today...Antefalken was buying we just sort of hung out drinking, relaxing in the nice hot lava flows...really a pretty good day. Couldn't convince the tin can to take a dip, bummer, I was hoping for some tasty boiled paladin.

thanks 1 user thanked Tizzy for this useful post.
whomightub3 on 2/18/2015(UTC)
Offline Flakes  
#16 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2015 3:44:27 AM(UTC)

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I wonder if there is a branch of animagic devoted to interior design.

Offline Tizzy  
#17 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2015 3:18:27 PM(UTC)

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I am betting it would take a lot of "study"
Offline Rosver  
#18 Posted : Thursday, February 19, 2015 11:48:31 PM(UTC)

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8. That is a good point. Verigas has enabled a lot of evil to happen (in their view anyway). That is something to see.

9. Your suspicion seems a bit outrageous, but then, what really is there. Another thing to look forward to... but the author might as well not tell us.

10. Ah! You are with the Gods-are-Demons wagon? Tizzy seems to be against that idea. Maybe because he cant stand that those bile cretures are just like him.

11. Yes! This one. There is little information to this. Still, their visions are vague. There might be little information because they don't really have that much. Still I do look forward to the group meeting and discussing this or something.

Regarding #2 - I always thought that what Tom did is just spur-of-the-moment. He haven't think it all through. He might actually know not what to do with him. Maybe he will just keep Talarius around even if he is a pain in the neck.

Regarding #4 - I know, this is the point I infer when I read it. And its the same, they will be extremely stressed. LOL.

@JMX @Madfox

Yes those are something to see.

My guess is that they might be inviting Tom to join their group. As I see, Tom did show some awesome stuff. The three of them is said to have difficulty in dealing with the Rod, and they stated that it will take them a lot of effort to fight them, but Tom did it almost effortlessly kick Talarius but after he become serious. Not to mention Tom is a four and Talarius is said to be more tougher that the usual Knight Rampant. That is how awesome Tom is.

Af for the book, it is a mystery till now. It might even remain a mystery in book two. What is in that damn thing anyway. Well, we might not know what is in the book but I do want to know what the wizards thought was in the book for them to go head over heels for it.


If this world is as medievalistic as presented, then no. Interior design has never become a subject of its own study in those times. It was never thought of as a separate field of study from architecture in those times. The architects also the interior designers.


Bring him to your place already. It should be more fun there than in Tom's right?
Offline Tizzy  
#19 Posted : Friday, February 20, 2015 2:14:44 AM(UTC)

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I suppose I could take them to my place, the furniture would be better, but the entertainment would be just as bad.

My library consisted of a single book, and someone stole it recently.


the djinn seem to focus a lot on interior design, but I think that's because they spend so much time in their lamps and bottles, and they want to make them comfy.

Plus they can just conjure stuff out of thin air, unlike demons....
Offline Rosver  
#20 Posted : Friday, February 20, 2015 9:17:12 PM(UTC)

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Well, the Abyss never really seems like a place for entertainment. The local residents aren't really conductive for such.

You have a librabry? That is so weird!

There is a djinn? It was never hinted in the book and doesn't anything about them.
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