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Offline William Gerard Graves  
#61 Posted : Thursday, October 3, 2024 12:27:10 AM(UTC)
William Gerard Graves

Rank: Fiend

Groups: Registered, Registered Users, Subscribers
Joined: 5/23/2024(UTC)
Posts: 104

Chapter 53: Asmin

"So that's my idea, any questions?" I finished explaining my plans to the assembled demons.

The group had mixed reactions as we stood inside my cave. Jelmak was puzzled, yet somewhat excited at the prospect, Etragos was contemplative but stoic. Astragoth was nodding a lot with a mischievous grin, while Kalrun was confused.

I had just explained my intention to found a wizards school in the Abyss. I intended to build a place here, to perform my experiments, develop infernomancy, build a wizard's tower, if that were possible and gather like-minded demons.

I knew it was a bit of a stretch, Wizardry was not well-liked in these parts. But I was pretty sure some would be interested, present company being an example.

"My lord, I am not sure this venture will be well recieved by the Abyssal Lords." Etragos informed.

"Would they be hostile to us?" I asked, unfamiliar with abyssal politics.

Kalrun snorted. "When are they not hostile to us? That's a better question." He declared.

Etragos shook his head, shifting into a slight nod, half approvingly. "He is not wrong about them, the Courts of Chaos is an oppressive regime, while they tolerate domains in the hinterlands. They would crush them if they could." He explained.

I pondered this and how I could avoid annihilation after building my school. If the abyssal lords were as they said, I would be crushed or subjugated the moment I became known.

Glancing around, I prompted others to chime in. "Astragoth what do you think?" I asked the most immature of our group, which signified how desperate I was.

"You want to build Hogwarts in hell, dude that is so metal, I'm in!" He spoke enthusiastically, so that was something. "But yeah, probably should keep it hush hush, don't want a rival demon lord coming in and going all Umbridge on you." He added, still with those inexplicable references, they must be from his world.

I turned to Jelmak, wanting his opinion. The little demon jumped the moment everyone's gazes locked to him.

"Well, master, building your school will be expensive, but we could hire some builders from the courts?" The demon suggested.

"Didn't you hear, we got to keep a low profile Jelly, got to be all sneaky and shit." Astragoth added.

The vulgar demon had a point, but Jelmak was correct, building a school here would require a local workforce. I was nowhere near travelling between worlds. Perhaps with further experimentation, I could somehow hijack a demon summoning and open a portal.

"But Astra, we could hire some Denubians, they are the best builders in the multiverse. They could build the master a giant tower in a few abyssal days, no sweat." He suggested.

"But Denubians are expensive, we don't have the coin for something like that." Astragoth refuted, reaching into his imaginary pockets and withdrawing nothing.

I turned to the side wall, inspecting the collection of stolen loot that had piled up. They all followed my gaze, realising what I was getting at.

"Oh right, we got a crap ton of loot we can pawn off. But will that be enough?" Astragoth asked the group.

"In this economy, probably not," Kalrun answered, not very enthusiastically.

"Is it not worth much?" I asked.

The gazes of the assembled demons all collectively looked to me, perplexed. For a moment I was concerned, I wondered what I said.

"You don't know how much it's worth?" Kalrun asked, tilting his head.

"Nope, not at all, is that surprising?" I wondered aloud, but internally I was concerned.

They believed I was some hotshot demon lord, giving them the impression I was unlearned in abyssal ways, which would invite questions.

"I would think someone as powerful as you would have frequented the courts. But I suppose things like the cost of meagre wares would be beneath the notice of a demon lord." Kalrun rationalised and I thanked him for it.

"I have been a bit of a hermit for a while, don't know the current market rates." I said, technically true if you omitted the fact I wasn't a demon a short while ago.

"That makes sense." Jelmak, forever in my corner added.

"Well we should see how much we can get anyway. Road trip to the courts?" Astragoth suggested and we all agreed.

With our course set, all that was needed was a plan of attack. Yes, we are going to plan the rise of a new movement, a new era where demon-kind is united with wizard-kind in a union of understanding.

Well, that might be a little too ambitious, but perhaps we should start small and get some money. I wondered what they even used for currency here. Gold, silver? I could ask, but that would reveal my ignorance.

I twitched inside my robes, hoping none of these demons would ask me questions that were difficult to answer. Inspecting my robes I was happy to see my spell was holding up, this place is literally hell on clothes. No wonder all demons just ran around naked. I wondered if a school uniform might be prudent.

"We could sell our wares at the same pawn broker you use." Etragos suggested, gesturing to Jelmak.

The little demon nodded. "Yes she is very fair, when I used to sell odds and ends. I always got a good price for them."

"Then it's settled, we sell our loot and based on the capital we raise, we can decide on step two." I declared with all in agreement.

With the matter settled, we hauled bag after bag of plundered armour and weaponry. Each of the bags had the same cooling spell on them, it wouldn't last forever, but hopefully, this pawnbroker has a more permanent setup.

"Were going to the boom tunnels, woah!" Astragoth fist pumped and I pretended to know what in the abyss he was talking about.

We left my cave, taking flight and heading south. We were pretty far from the courts and it would take a while to arrive.

We flew for hours, luckily this demon body rarely got tired, it was an odd feeling. Natural yet alien to me, but then again it's to be expected. I inspected my form as we flew, trying to fathom its makeup.

I was a spiritual being, I was certain of it. The Abyss was known to be where the damned and evil dwelled, but as far as I could tell, the Abyss seems to be a typical non-material plane, populated by spiritual beings and somehow, material resources.

This place was an utter contradiction that would likely stump all the scholars of my world.

"Are you okay my lord?" Etragos worriedly asked, flying next to me.

I turned to him, stopping my bodily inspection. "I'm fine, just checking to see if my clothes are intact." I lied, well half lied, I did glance at a few singed parts.

"Your clothes look well my lord, you will stand out in the courts. Not many demons wear clothing." He explained and I detected a slight trace of concern.

"I wonder if I should disrobe before entering the city?" I wondered aloud if it was an idea I would consider.

"Your prerogative my lord." He answered, non-committally.

I pondered the idea, but inevitably shelved it for later. My thoughts turned to the courts, I was about to enter the heart of demondom. This was the Courts of Chaos, the seat of power for the major Abyssal lords. A city of demons and possibly a city of former humans, now that was a horrible thought.

"Any place you would suggest to visit while we are in the city?" I asked merely to fill the silence. I mean the wind shear, the sound of flapping wings and chatting demons aside, there was a palpable silence.

I could swear Etragos got nervous the moment I asked, was it such a difficult question? I wondered for a moment, but couldn't determine why he would be so nervous.

"Nowhere worthy for you dark lord." He lowered his head. "Me and the group frequented places of ill repute, I would like to suggest a few places of higher quality if you don't mind?" He offered and I think I figured out why he was so nervous.

He and the boys didn't seem like the elegant gentlemen demons of the Abyss, nor did they seem wealthy or connected. It was a good thing to be honest, I had no idea about any of the nuances when it came to demonic high society.

"Perhaps later, please feel free to speak your mind. What place do you and your companions recommend?" I tried again to pry more details out of him.

"The Ripe Young Maiden Suprise is a great place. Me and Boggy were about to tear that place up before we got summoned by you." Astragoth interrupted, flying beside us. "Um, your dark majesty." He added the title, realising he was quite rude.

The Ripe Young Maiden Suprise, I mouthed the name of whatever establishment it was. He also mentioned a name I didn't recall, another demon perhaps.

"What kind of place is it?" I asked, getting curious.

"It's a dive bar my lord, not a place worth your time." Etragos glared at his fellow demon for even making such a suggestion.

"Come on Etty, you love the Ripe Maiden, I mean who doesn't love a ripe maiden, you know what I'm saying?" He raised his palm to me, expecting something.

The pair of us flew side by side and I waited for him to do something. Nervously he dropped his hand and sheepishly explained his actions. "That was a high five, I suppose dark lords are not into that, sorry dude."

I had no clue what a high five was, but it likely wasn't important. This dive bar as Etragos called it, seemed like the perfect place. It was likely somewhere off the beaten path and I could gather some details on the courts, without engaging with high society.

I nodded, this was a good plan and so it was time to make my move. "I want to visit this bar, I would like to see for myself if it is truly a dive bar as you say." I declared haughtily, Etragos nodded and Astragoth grinned.

"You won't regret it dude, the Denubian Choco-Coffee is epic bruh, really gives you a buzz." He explained with bright eyes, licking his lips.

"Don't forget the TM, the Denubians will sue you so hard your children will still be stuck in a courtroom after your dead." Kalrun shouted.

"Oh yes got to add that trademark, they are so touchy about that." The two made another reference I was again clueless of.

I would like some orientation on everything I need to know about being a demon lord. I am just winging it so far, I swear I must be the only demon in this situation.

Offline William Gerard Graves  
#62 Posted : Tuesday, October 8, 2024 5:46:36 AM(UTC)
William Gerard Graves

Rank: Fiend

Groups: Registered, Registered Users, Subscribers
Joined: 5/23/2024(UTC)
Posts: 104

Chapter 54: Kalrun

"These things are so loud, why did they have to design them to bust your ear drums?" I complained as the boom tunnel charged up.

"No idea, maybe it's a design flaw!" Astragoth yelled, his voice drowned out by the deafening sound.

Eventually, the tunnel opened and we all passed through, arriving on the other side. I noticed our lord and master seemed nervous, he took a while to pass through. It must be my imagination but it looks like he was unfamiliar with the boom tunnel.

Well, whatever, it's not my problem, just need to follow orders and everything will be good. I learned that when I was human and it served me well as a demon. Masters come and go, so just keep your head down and make sure not to piss off too many people.

Hopefully, our lord doesn't have too many enemies, I wouldn't want to get caught up in some demon war. He seems to want a build a magic school for demons, no clue why would want to do that.

Wizardry was generally despised on this side of the planes. I mean all of us ended up in this place because of it. And yet our lord practised the art and even planned to found a school for it. It was very likely this was doomed to fail.

But I was a go-with-the-flow kind of guy. Ever since I became practically immortal, I have been doing just that. This time will be no different, new boss, new circumstance, same shit.

Upon exiting the boom tunnel, it was a short flight to the courts. We made decent time and soon we found ourselves in the city. We passed by the typical hooligans prowling around, and a few hours passed by in their limousines. Rich assholes the lot of them, but when you need the coin and can stomach them looking down on you, you take a job or two.

Ironically our new boss didn't seem like he looked down on us. In fact, he was pretty chill for a demon lord. Excluding his odd taste for wizardry, he acted more like a second-order buddy. Sure he did order us around on occasion, but hell, Etragos liked to do that too.

I ignored the sights and let the flow of the road take me. The place was chaos incarnate, but it was home. I looked at the group, they were sorting out their tasks.

"Jelmak, Kal, Astragoth head to the pawnbroker. I will escort our lord to the places he wishes to visit." Etragos ordered, being the teacher's pet he always wished to be.

It was not a bad thing, you kind of needed that in a group. And given what I knew about his human life, he deserved to have a lord to serve. His whole human past had service to some great Khan being his whole personality. He had been pretty down ever since his accursed masters from Nysegard got killed.

The two left us to do whatever tour guide shit they wanted to do. Now there was just the three of us and a crap ton of loot to haul.

"It's this way guys." Jelmak hovered down the street, towards the commercial district.

We hauled the bags and started trekking. We passed the typical break-out brawls and fights. Only maimings, so pretty tame for the commercial district. Mostly demons fighting over some item they each wanted.

We ducked and weaved past the bulk of the chaos, I nearly got run over by some crazy greater demon throwing his weight around.

We turned a corner and found ourselves down a narrow street, littered with disreputable stores. They were the good disreputable kind, didn't ask where you got the shit you wanted to sell.

Pawn brokers in the Abyss were known to be very discrete in their dealings. Since most if not all the stuff they buy is stolen goods. In our case, it's spoils of war, but in most cases, some demon robbed another and needed to move it quickly.

Jelmak pointed to the one on the far right. It was a little store, much smaller than the others. Simple stone design with a single front door that looked very much like wood.

Either it was enchanted or just made to look authentic. On the two sides were windows with a variety of items. I could see a decent selection of arcane devices, weapons and leisure equipment.

Above the door was a decorative sign that read. A Lady's Secrets, which sounded more like a brothel than a pawnbroker, perhaps they were a dual establishment?

It was very mixed and lacked any sense of order. Not that order was a prerequisite in a place literally called the Courts of Chaos.

We stepped up to the door and immediately were stopped by an exiting first-order demon. The little bastard opened the door slightly, completely ignored us, flung some sign on the door and zoomed back in.

It happened so fast, that none of us even got a word in as the door slammed shut. Perplexed we all shifted to read the sign.

"Summoned by my accursed mistress, be back in an undefined time span. Hugs and kisses, Valerie." I read turning to the others.

"So do we wait or what?" Astragoth asked.

I really didn't want to do that, I would rather head to that crappy bar than wait here for some demon to come back. This was always a problem with demons, especially if we wanted to hold down a business. Some wizard could just summon us from the Abyss in the middle of work.

"I really don't want to, should we just go to a bar and wait?" I suggested.

Instead, Jelmak approached the door, tapped lightly and spoke. "Sylvia, hey it's me, Jelmak." He announced.

What followed was the sound of shuffling and the flapping of wings. The door opened and a first order poked its head out. I didn't get a good look before, it was in fact a female demon. The exposed breasts kind of gave it away.

"Oh Jelly dear, sorry, didn't see you. But the mistress is out on business." The little demon explained its beady eyes scanning us.

Getting a good look, she looked like a typical first order, red-skinned, with small horns, and bat-like wings. If she didn't have tits, I wouldn't have expected her to be female.

"Sylvia, my lovely dark queen, would you be most gracious to allow us to wait inside for your mistress? I have so much to tell you." He shifted really quickly to his attempt at flirting, it was not very good, at least in my opinion.

Despite the cringe attempt, Sylvia actually blushed, which was odd for a demon. Did she do that on purpose? Was this some sort of act between the two? The rabbit hole that was.

"Darling you know that is most inappropriate." She said demurely, play-acting.

"Please my lovely, would you be kind to this humble demon." He begged and it sounded far too real.

She paused, thinking to herself. Eventually, she relented and let us in. "Keep your hands to yourself." She announced, eyeing the two of us before she slapped Jelmaks rear as he entered. "Except for you darling, I wouldn't mind your hands to wander."

Now Jelmak blushed, these two were an odd pair, but who was I to judge? We entered the shop and the door closed behind us.

The first thing I saw was shelves upon shelves with an odd assortment of items. Daggers and swords, pottery and even an electric guitar.

"Sweet axe, I could totally rock stairway to heaven on that thing." Astragoth pointed to the guitar.

"Keep your hands off the merchandise." She barked and ge straightened. "Now come dear, you must tell me what you have been up to." She settled on the counter like a bird of prey, smiling at Jelmak but eyeing the two of us warningly.

"You will never believe it, but we are the minions of a powerful demon lord!" The little demon waved his hands in the air.

"Demon lord you say, what happened to your accursed master?" She asked, perplexed.

"Got himself whacked, probably by our new boss." Astragoth chimed in, making poses in front of a full-length decorative mirror.

"Beware, objects may look bigger then they appear." She gestured down south.

"It's big enough baby." He grinned, thrusting at the mirror.

Juvenile demons, I was surrounded by them. Finding a chair I sat down to wait, letting the first orders chat.

"So your working for a big shot demon lord, what's the name. I know some big shots."

"Lord Asmordis, have you heard of him?" He asked, expectantly.

She shook her head. "Can't sat I have, but the Abyss is a big place, could be hundreds of unknown big shots out there." She explained and we all nodded.

"So what happened?" She asked, putting her chin on her hands, listening.

"Well we got summoned to the material plane. Some castle and we helped our master allies fight off an undead horde!" Jelmak spread his stunted little arms as far as he could, trying to convey the size of the army.

"Unlife, yikes. Don't want to fight those guys." She said, disgusted.

"Yeah not very pleasant but I met some cool vampires and a necromancer. They were pretty helpful, they were even on our side." He explained, much to her confusion.

"Necromancer and a vampire on your side. That's very strange, weren't the unlife the enemy here?"

Jelmak nodded before tilting his head to the side. "Yes technically, but our master's allies had a necromancer helping them. His name was Belus I think and that vampire defected from the enemy army to our side." He explained before pausing. "Then we had this epic battle where we used the masters magic wands to blast the undead army to bits before we came down and crushed them." The demon gestured here and there, trying to play-act fighting.

"Must have been quite the fun time. Invite me some times, it could be a date." She winked and again Jelmak blushed.

I shook my head, ignoring the two as they continued chatting about mundane stuff. I tuned them out as I waited. Astragoth was looking around the store, probably casing the joint for a heist. I mean I don't know.

Several D-Hours passed and a figure slowly phased back into existence. I turned to them, noticing their features. The demon was a she, based on the lithe figure. She had red skin and bat wings. Probably second order, maybe third.

Her curvaceous hourglass form was covered in patches of red scales, her spade-tipped tail whipped back and forth as she stretched. Once she locked her cat-like eyes upon me, I felt my heart skip.

She smiled, tilting her head adorably. "Who are you handsome?" And the moment she spoke, I swear I fell in love.

Edited by user Tuesday, October 8, 2024 10:10:15 PM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline William Gerard Graves  
#63 Posted : Wednesday, October 9, 2024 12:04:42 AM(UTC)
William Gerard Graves

Rank: Fiend

Groups: Registered, Registered Users, Subscribers
Joined: 5/23/2024(UTC)
Posts: 104

Chapter 55: Asmin

"This place is nice." I looked around at the sparse tavern.

The place was nice as I said, I mean a little seedy but the whole city was like that. Upon entering, some shady purple-skinned demon approached me and wanted to sell me a vestal virgin, whatever that was. I did recall the name Vesta from some ancient tomes. I think it was an old goddess, which would make the virgin a priestess of some sort.

"Is it not to your liking my lord?" Etragos, seated to my left asked, sheepishly.

"It is nice, don't get me wrong, a nice place." I lied.

The place was a bit of a dump. A dive bar would be the most apt description. But I wasn't going to say that out loud. It was passable and honestly, I wasn't a very upscale person in my human life.

"That is good my lord." He said and I'm pretty sure he didn't notice the flat-out lie.

I looked around, noticing several demons of every shape or form. We were seated at the bar, the chairs were perfect for my size and accommodated my tail and wings.

Looking around I noticed a giant demon to my right. He was of similar form to me, but much larger. He had red skin, horns, a spade-tipped tail and bat-like wings. Unlike my toned stomach, he had an impressive set of abs.

All in all, he just seemed like a perfect specimen, handsome actually. I briefly wondered why I was thinking this. I mean I had no interest in men before, but now. It was too weird to contemplate, so I shelved it.

Based on his appearance, he was far more powerful than me. I quickly activated wizard's sight and took note of his aura. The demon was glowing like a sun, almost outshining a similar aura to his right.

Glancing over I noticed a smaller duplicate of the big demon. Now that seemed strange to me, but all of this was strange to begin with.

"My lord, it is a fourth order, do you know this greater demon?" Etragos whispered in my ear.

I shook my head in the negative. I'm pretty sure Etragos and the others thought I was a greater demon. Hopefully, he doesn't take note of the size difference.

The greater demon was sipping on a hot beverage, probably this Denubian drink they mentioned. His double was chatting to another demon just out of sight.

Working up the courage I spoke. "How's the drink?" I casually asked.

Perked up, he turned to me with a truly malicious look. My human sensibilities told me so, but another part of me saw it as just a normal smile.

"It packs quite the punch, like one hundred cups of coffee and vodka." He gestured to the beverage.

I had no clue what either of those was, but resolved to give the drink a try. I gestured to the barkeep with a handful of tokens, Etragos gave me. "Two Denubian Choco-Coffee TM, for me and my friend." I gestured to Etragos and he flinched at the words.

While I awaited our drinks, I reached out, offering a hand to the demon. "The name is Asmordis, what's yours friend?" I asked.

The demon seemed to ponder the offered hand but eventually relented. Engulfing my entire appendage with his own. "Tom." He said simply, having a surprisingly simple name for a supposed fourth-order demon.

"Unusual name for a demon." I blurted out without thinking.

He shrugged, a very human gesture. "It's my name, I'm stuck with it." He chuckled, turning back to his associates. "This is Boggy and Rupert." He gestured to his friends.

The smaller demon peaked his head around, he did look like a smaller copy of Tom. Was he a family member? Did demons even have families? I wondered that as the demon spoke.

"Hi, I'm Rupert, woah your wearing clothes, isn't that constricting?" The demon spoke akin to a child, which was odd given his size.

Then again, I don't know anything about demon children. Despite being a competent conjuror and a novice researcher of demonkind. I still knew very little about their ecology. I smiled, realising I was on the front line of research.

"Nice to meet you Rupert, Boggy. Yes I prefer clothing, but nudity is not an issue, especially in the Abyss." I gestured around us and then suddenly realised I was being rude. "This is Etragos." I introduced the oddly shy demon.

"Greetings great one." He performed a slight bow of respect.

"Just call me Tom." The greater demon quickly corrected, with an equally shy grin.

I turned to Etragos and shrugged as if that was his prerogative. "Etty, is that you?" A shrill voice spoke from Tom's side.

Looking over, I noticed it was the demon named Boggy, I vaguely recalled a similar name. The gangly second order looked our way, eyes wide and locked to Etragos.

"Boggy, nice to see you." Etragos greeted politely, waving a hand.

"Well haven't seen you in a long time. In fact, do you know what happened to your companions, Astra and Kal? They left me high and dry." The demon complained, jokingly.

The situation clicked in my head and I realised exactly what was going on. "That's my fault." I raised a placating hand in the air. "I summoned the pair and now it makes sense why the two were drunk when they arrived." I chuckled, shaking my head with another mystery solved.

The demon Boggy raised a finger and made an oh sound. "That explains why the lads up and vanished, just when we were getting to have some fun." He downed his drink, stood up and came over to Etragos side. "What have you been up to these days?" He asked the demon patting him on the back.

Etragos shrugged, gesturing to me. "Not much since my accursed master died, now I'm working for Lord Asmordis and we had grand old time fighting off an invading army." He went on to regal the demon and the two sank into discussion.

I turned back to the greater demon Tom and looked towards the smaller version of him. My curiosity got the better of me and I had to speak.

"I must say, you bear a striking resemblance to each other. It's uncanny." I blurted without thinking. A habit I had yet to break.

The greater demon gave a half smile, glancing back at the smaller demon. Rupert, as he was named, grinned widely, happy about something.

"He's my father." The Rupert demon declared proudly, joyously even.

I was stunned for a split second, before getting my bearings and processing what he just said. I guess that answered a question about demons and having children. I wondered who the mother was, perhaps another demon, a powerful female greater demon. Or was the mother a human? But that was preposterous given the size differences.

"Did that demon just call you lord? Are you a demon lord?" Rupert rattled off a question.

Titling my head, I pondered how I should answer. Technically I was a mid-level third order, a major demon to be precise. Generally, our kind was treated as powerful weapons in war. Fourth orders like Tom were the true demon lords, at least according to historical records.

"Yes, sort of." I answered non-committally. "I do have some minions, if you can call them that. Does that make me a demon lord?" I shrugged, not knowing the answer.

"Cool." The boy exclaimed, turning to his father. "Can I get some minions dad?" He pleaded and they did look like a typical father and son duo.

"Maybe when your older." Tom suggested, eliciting a sour look.

I took a sip of my beverage and I didn't mind the bitter taste. Satisfied, I felt a bit giddy and open. I turned back to the father and son duo and decided to strike up a casual conversation.

"So what brings you to this neck of the woods?" I asked, unable to keep a smile off my face.

"That is a long story, you?" Tom gestured back.

"A long story as well, how about we swap stories? If that's okay with you?"

"Sure." He agreed, rather easily.

Were fourth orders this laid back, it seemed to contradict everything known about them. Of course, this was all conjecture from old tomes and long-ago history. Besides, demons can be formerly human in my case. I wonder if he is the same, but I shouldn't pry.

"Well I guess I will start." I began.

I explained the situation in Castle Wildhold, the siege and how my minions and I repelled the invaders. Ended up with a lot of loot and are waiting on our fellow demons to unload the stuff at the market.

"You got summoned to defend a castle from an enemy army?" Tom's eyes were wide.

"Yes." I nodded.

"What a coincidence, that's exactly why I was summoned. Only your summoner sounds far more reasonable then Lenamare the Great." He took a swig of his drink and turned to smirk at his son.

"Lenamare the Great, don't recognise the name." I wondered aloud.

"You don't want to meet him, he has an ego the size of New Jersey." He said and I mouthed the unfamiliar name.

"Probably even bigger, I attended his school so I should know." Rupert chimed in and I perked up at that.

"You attended a wizards school?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was planning to become conjuror and summon my dad. But Lenamare beat me to it." The demon boy explained and I paused for a moment.

"How exactly does a demon attend a wizards school?"

"Well I didn't always look this, I'm half demon and before I met my dad, I looked human most of my life." The child explained, excitedly.

I guess that solved the riddle of his child, but still didn't explain how he was able to do the deed with his size. But then a thought occurred, Rupert just mentioned he could shapeshift, does that mean demons can too? I wondered if I could do that, perhaps reclaim my human form.

I gestured for them to continue and the pair spun a mighty tale. This Lenamare the Great summoned Tom to defend his keep from a rival's invading army. Very similar to my own set of circumstances.

"Then he blew up his whole school with a nuclear blast." Tom explained and I learned another odd term.

"Nuclear blast?" I asked, perplexed.

The demon thought for a moment, scratching his chin with those deadly claws. "It's an explosion that uses nuclear material, like plutonium." He answered my question, with more unfamiliar terms.

I shrugged and continued. "So what happened after he blew his tower up?"

The pair continued and explained how Jehenna, Lenamares associate summoned Tom during a caravan attack. Her control ring failed and after defeating the attackers, Tom escorted Rupert and some wizard named Jenn. They got captured by the besiegers and had to open a portal to the Abyss.

The depiction of those cool spells they used to keep their human associates alive, intrigued me. But when they mentioned that Tom could somehow hijack a demon summoning and open a portal, I was again baffled. I would file those two tidbits for later research.

"We ended up in this place called Gizzor Del and had to take a ship back to Norelon and hoofed it back to Freehold." Tom explained, tilting his head to the side in thought.

"Freehold?" I wondered aloud.

I didn't recognise any of these places, I wondered if it might be a different world or even localverse.

"Yes when we got their, the place came under siege by the Rod of Tiernon and Oorstemoth. Now we are here and waiting for a friend." The pair finished their tale and I honestly had more questions than answers.

"A lot of besieging going on." I casually mentioned.

"There sure is." Tom agreed.

"Well, cheers to being free, at least for the time being." I raised my mug and they did so as well. All in all, it was a good day or whatever time it was in this place.

Offline William Gerard Graves  
#64 Posted : Monday, October 21, 2024 12:10:48 AM(UTC)
William Gerard Graves

Rank: Fiend

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Joined: 5/23/2024(UTC)
Posts: 104

Chapter 56: Astragoth

"What a babe." I couldn't help but exclaim.

The demon beauty that just appeared would get any dude rock hard. I looked down and tried to shield my crotch. Then I recalled most people in this place didn't care.

Back on earth, getting a hard-on in public was a death sentence for you socially. But it was just a Tuesday in the abyss, surrounded by demons all in the buff. It was one of the weird yet awesome things about life as a demon.

"Someone is at attention. Down boy." The sultry voice of this mighty vixen did weird stuff to me.

She said down boy, but my big boy knows only the opposite direction. I glanced at the others, wondering if they were similarly affected. Jelmak was smitten with his little demon girlfriend and Kalrun, holy hell he looked like me when I was in high school and Sally Peterson the hottest girl in school said hi to me one time. Did I just witness a demon get the whole love at first sight?

Oddly it turned my boner into a guilty boner. The kind you get when you check out your mate's girl and feel just a little bit guilty about it.

But they had just met, so was it a guilty boner? Probably best to think about it that way. Bro's before hoes is an eternal rule between us dudes. But still, damn she's fine.

"What can I do for you gentlemen? Besides whatever vile needs that one has, brothel is down the corner on the left." She pointed to me and I felt singled out.

"I don't think I have the money for that. But maybe after this?" I shifted to Kal and gave him a pleading look.

He shook himself out of his reverie and finally paid attention to his bro. "What? Oh yeah, once we sell this stuff, we should have some money for recreation." He paused, glancing back at the walking ten.

"Not that I go in for that." He corrected and it was indeed cringe.

My boy was an old and powerful second order, but the guy had no game at all. Not that my game was that strong. I mean I got laid, but very rarely.

"Of course you don’t, you are a gentleman demon. Nothing like this little lech." She pointed at me, singling me out.

I would be offended if it wasn't true and I wasn't ashamed of it. I liked sex, even as a demon that hadn't changed. I just was more open about it now.

"Lecherous and proud of it. I mean, we're demons." I countered and she nodded.

"True, but were is the fun in the obvious. Subtle seductions are far more enjoyable then the get on your hands and knees type." She turned to Kal and winked. "But sometimes a girl can be convinced she needs a little punishment every now and then."

Kal gulped and I knew that lucky bastard was in. Well, there is always the brothel for me. But why can't I get a sexy demon girlfriend into the kinky shit?

"Well that's enough foreplay, you have wares to sell?" She shifted to all business.

Kal finally found his brain, dropped it back into his skull and spoke. "Yes we have some goods to sell from the material planes." He gestured to the giant sacks of loot.

"Well now, let's have a look." She smiled, walking over to the sacks of loot.

Upon perusing what we had, what followed was some haggling, Kal and Valerie were virtual masters. Each of them went back and forth so much I couldn’t keep track. Was this some sort of merchant foreplay, just bang already.

After a good solid D-Hour, they came to an arrangement. "Is the price acceptable?" She purred, running her claws across Kals arm.

"It is." He answered, unfazed.

I think we just got rich, but I wasn't paying attention. The transaction was completed, we ended up with a big bag of tokens and she got a bunch of loot. Reminded me of unloading your inventory in an RPG. Only having your high charisma friend do all the talking.

"So Val, what did your accursed master have you do? Or did he just summon you because you are a fine piece of woman?" I cringed internally, but I was a demon, I didn't need shame any more.

"She does admire my form, but my mistress was dealing with a small rebellion by some misbegotten men that got into their heads they could rule better then the matriarchy." She explained gleefully. "They learned the error of their ways when I removed their underwhelming reproductive organs. Such organs were used to defile many a fare maiden."

I instinctually covered my crotch, and Kal did so as well. This elicited a chuckle from the vixen.

"You needn't worry my sweet boys, yours will grow back if removed." She added and that didn't reassure me at all.

"Wait, matriarchy? What's that?" I zeroed in on her statement.

She chuckled, covering her mouth with both hands like she had a secret. But with everybody nude, we have no secrets.

"It seems you are from a patriarchal society. That is not going to fly on Targella. There the women rule and the men follow like good little boys." She looked at me, cheeky as ever.

"How did that happen?" I asked, genuinely curious.

Last I recall back on earth, women being the ruling class was very rare. We had a patriarchal society, well things were changing, but men still dominated much of the upper echelons.

"Honestly I don't know, never asked." She answered with a shrug.

I returned the gesture and the topic was set to the side. What followed was some more negotiation and Kal shamelessly flirting with her. He was so obvious it was sad, but I could swear she was into it. Lucky bloke.

Banging on the door drew our attention and the sounds of shouting demons suggested there may be people outside, angry and vulgar people.

"Get out here bitch, we are going to teach you a lesson!" Someone screamed, banging on the door like he wanted to destroy it.

"Yeah get out here!" Another voice called out, substantially whinier than the other.

"Excuse me gentleman, but someone has just requested I remove parts of their anatomy." She grinned, making her way to the door.

She pulled it wide open and casually strutted, facing the rude little demons before her. I glanced to the side and noted they were second orders, one of them had four arms and blue-ish skin and the other looked like an overgrown imp.

"Can I help you?" She spoke without a hint of her former niceties.

"You owe us protection money, pay up bitch or we will distribute your pieces across town!" The overgrown imp demanded, his lackey behind him repeating his words like a hype man.

I could sense Kal ready to rumble and so I cut him off. It was likely he would down something foolish. If I have learned anything from suffering through romantic comedies, is that a guy's dick made him stupid.

Swaggering up beside her, I decided to do something stupid, only I wasn't doing it because of my dick. She glanced at me, her next words caught in her throat.

I grinned, casting a threatening gaze at the invaders. "Who the hell are you?" The fat imp demanded, brandishing his claws in a pathetic attempt at a threat.

I ignored it, I mean I was the boy of a badass demon lord. I am with the worst of the bad, this foolish demon shouldn't mess with my crew.

I grinned, gesturing the piss ant to follow my hand to my belt. It was something I got back at Wildhold, a place to keep my magical weapons. I tapped the wand at my side and glared back in challenge.

"You better run that shit or ill pull out my nine and pop a cap in your ass." I threatened, emulating every gangster movie I recalled.

The demon turned to me and scowled, he looked at me like I was dog shit he has to scrap off his non-existent boot.

"You looking for a dismemberment, me and my boys can oblige." He threatened, glaring at me.

"You can try." I slipped a hand down to my wand, the magic one on my belt.

The scarface wannabe just scoffed at my weapon, again not the one between my legs, though he may have. Against my better judgement, I checked his out, grinning that mine was bigger.

"You think I'm scared of that little stick of yours?" He barked, flexing his claws and glancing a sly grin at his boy.

"You should be bitch, because this little stick is about to mess you up." I shot back before pausing. "That came out wrong." I retracted, realising what I just said might be misconstrued.

"Boys, stop with the dick measuring contest, your both pretty and I'm sure any gal will love your little prick for the right price." She added, her hands on her hips, a sly smile cresting her full lips.

I will admit, I got a little hard when she said that, by the Abyss she was sexy. Good luck to Kal.

"Oh we don't need to measure, it will look pretty big when your choking on it." He declared with a big rapey vibe. "Get her, she needs a lesson." He commanded his boy and just as Kal arrived beside me, too late to stop me.

I withdrew my piece and blasted this guy's lackey away with eldritch power. The abyssal fire engulfed the demon, throwing him back against the wall.

It didn't kill him, none of us could die. But it did mess him up well, the smoking and scorched limbs told the tale that we were the true original gangsters.

I turned my wand to the confounded wannabe and left him this ultimatum. "Fuck off or you will be next." I declared and regretted I couldn't come up with something cooler.

Everyone was stunned to silence, that tended to happen when you were a badass. "You will pay for this!" The wannabe screamed as he fled like a bitch.

He grabbed his scorched hype man and ran down the street. I was satisfied, I got to be a badass and capped some dude with my new wand. I could get used to this, being a gangster suits me.

"What in liliths name did you just do?" Kal interjected, not sounding happy.

"I protected the turf." I answered, still riding my high.

"He will be back, probably going to whine to his fourth order boss. They won't take the disrespect lying down. Probably should make yourself scarce, his boss might be bored enough to handle this." She explained and I shuddered.

"Fourth order?" I asked, shaking just a little bit.

"Yep, his boss technically owns this place and charges protection money. It's a recent thing."

I shook my head, not wanting to stick around if a fourth order was going to roll up on us. We didn't have our boss around and I'm not sure how powerful he is.

"Were screwed." Kal stated the obvious.

"Crap." It was all I could say and I could only hope Asmordis was more powerful and wouldn't be mad about this shitstorm I just caused.
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