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Offline Arad an-Bás  
#1 Posted : Friday, February 6, 2015 5:00:21 AM(UTC)
Arad an-Bás

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I am just a poor, wandering archival spirit, but now that I've found this place, I think I might take up residence for a while. It seems to be a great place to meet wise and ancient beings, such as the great Tisdale that I've heard of. Having had only been able to view the Astlan and Abyssal planes through the words of the great prophet T-A-G, I am forced to speculate on the unknowns and hopefully discuss them with those that have more direct knowledge. Speaking of the prophet, what god is he a prophet of? Obviously, he must be a prophet to know so much, if not an actual god himself, or at least an Avatar.

Now, some of my ideas might seem fanciful, but please forgive that. Being an archivist spirit, I have seen many worlds, and many planes, and I sometimes confuse one for another.

This may span a few topics, and I’m open to discussion of any sort. I really am interested in this universe and the denizens wherein.

First of all, I have theories about Tom’s relationship with Rupert. I’d like to think that Tom really is Rupert’s father and, while I’m sure those of greater knowledge here will dissuade me from some of my ideas, I humbly submit my theory here.

For one, the Prophet has mentioned Time Warriors. The title seems to indicate that they have some control over time. This would indicate that time travel could be possible. In which case Tom might not be Rupert’s father yet, but in the future travels back in time to er… meet Rupert’s mother, hopefully in his human form, as the practicality of Tom’s demon form with a human strains credulity, although would be interesting, for science. This theory obviously has some holes. For example, I wish to clarify if the Time Warriors can actually manipulate Time itself and, if not, can other beings.

My other, and far more likely theory for Tom’s fatherhood of Rupert would be that Tom is actually an Archdemon (By the way, is it Archdemon or Archaedemon?), who has had his memory erased by some greater power (or did it himself) and he has actually been a demon for a lot longer than he currently thinks. I would think that it would be well within the means of a Demon Prince to manipulate memories of a lower demon, especially if it was willingly done. (21st Animage mastery?)

The memory erased/modified theory has another branch in my mind. While I admit my grasp of Link Mastery is somewhat lacking, would it be possible, that Tom, being a powerful demon, managed to escape the Abyss, which somehow erased his memory and made him appear as a new, unbound demon, leaving him with only the memories of his life before becoming a demon, perhaps centuries before.

If he was a demon before, it wouldn’t explain why none of the other demons recognized him. Could perhaps, when escaped the Abyss, have lost his original demon for, along with his memories, and been given a completely new form upon being summoned for the first time? Obviously this is all conjecture, but I wish to be instructed on the possible credibility of my thoughts.

The other obvious thought I had was that of course, Rupert was the Concordenax reincarnated. I’m sure Tisdale would love that.

Just a curious side note, is there any reason that wouldn't be possible for Tom to open up a portal from/to the Courts of Chaos and invite all the demons to Astlan? I mean is there anything prohibiting it? As I see it, it would result in all of the demons being in Astlan of their own will and thus unable to be summoned, at least until they were destroyed.

EDIT: Very important question for Tizzy: Does Tom get laid in book 2? Because seriously, if you're really his friend, you should help him in that regard. I don't know, take him to a club in the Courts, hell, go buy a vestigial virgin from a street vendor if you have to. You gotta look out for friends. Maybe he'd have better luck with Bess than you... I don't know but right now Tom's sex life looks like this: Brick wall That might be inaccurate since I don't seem him trying too much, but isn't he a 16-year old boy at heart? As for Bess, the few times she sees him in book 1, she says she's "impressed with his fighting skills" You'd definitely need fighting skills for her. Also, '“Oh, goody, round two!” Bess shouted with joy.' could be applied in various circumstances. Foreshadowing, perhaps?

Edited by user Friday, February 6, 2015 9:56:49 PM(UTC)  | Reason: For the Abyss of it.

Offline Tizzy  
#2 Posted : Friday, February 6, 2015 8:11:54 PM(UTC)

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Ahh, what great thoughts!

It was thinking exactly like that, that has brought me to the mental clarity I have today!

Keep it up and I am sure after another thousand years, you and I will be able to have the only truly sane conversations in the multiverse.

Many speculations there, and I shall allow others to speculate with you on many of those fronts.

On the one front I can clearly note: The gateway from the Courts. Technically, there are other demons capable of doing demonic gateways. Certainly if Tom can do it, then an Arch Demon or Demon Prince(ss) should be able to. But they haven't. There must be a reason.

And that reason of course is that, that would be a demonic invasion and spark a huge war. And what they hey...what's one more war at this point.

The politics of such a thing are going to become more evident in Book 2, when we learn some more of the history and the "balance" of forces between the Abyss and the Outer Planes. Let's just say that what happened in Etterdam was a lesson for all sides, and 4,000+ years later people will be remembering it in Book 2 and later...

Also you will note if you read the writings of wizards in the library, they do have certain beliefs about the rules under which demons can come to Astlan. As we are seeing...these aren't that accurate. There is, for example, widespread belief that the more powerful the demon the more mana/energy more complicated spell it takes to summon the demon. They've extrapolated, therefore that the mana required to summon an ArchDemon/Demon Prince is so great, it would be very hard for such a demon to show up in Astlan without people noticing the mana disturbance and that it is thus nearly impossible for anything larger than a greater demon to show up in Astlan (unannounced or on their own)

Said higher powered demons feel something less than zero need to disabuse them of this. They like to be able to come and go unnoticed by pesky Kings, Wizards and Priests who might want to raise an army and start a war every time the demon lord stops by for a bite to eat.

Offline Madfox11  
#3 Posted : Tuesday, February 17, 2015 1:36:06 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: Arad an-Bá Go to Quoted Post
First of all, I have theories about Tom’s relationship with Rupert. I’d like to think that Tom really is Rupert’s father and, while I’m sure those of greater knowledge here will dissuade me from some of my ideas, I humbly submit my theory here.

We could also speculate that Fate touched him (in other words: it is a bit cliche) and that he and Rupert actually have the same father and they are brothers ;) Didn't Tom's father died in some kind of explosion?

Mind you, it is much more likely that Rupert got a vague generic description from his mother, the type of description that fits the generic image. Since Tom's shape is based on the ideas of his summoners, it is not surprising that fits that vague description as well. Since shapeshifting demons actually decide on their own form, Rupert simply took Tom's shape subconsciously based on his hopes and dreams. Of course, such a mundane explanation is not really all that fun ;)
Offline Tizzy  
#4 Posted : Tuesday, February 17, 2015 4:24:20 PM(UTC)

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Well, add to that you had Rupert a few floors down, or up, from the summoning chamber, busily wishing upon a star for the father of his dreams...

However, that would probably be pushing it.
Offline Rosver  
#5 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2015 7:44:01 PM(UTC)

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I always think that Rupert shapeshifting to that because of his own desires is a bit boring but also a bit ilogical. Shapeshifting is seems need great concentration to keep the form. Rupert don't need to so his demon from (a Tom look alike) is his real form since it doesn't take much effort.

My own theory is that there might really be another demon that look like Tom who is Rupert's father. It is a bit far fetched but it is possible. Call is coincedence but...

Though, three identical demons is very unnerving.
Offline Tizzy  
#6 Posted : Wednesday, February 18, 2015 10:15:42 PM(UTC)

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That could also be a possibility. Although as you say, it's getting out there, but who knows?

It's still better than time travel.

Offline Netter  
#7 Posted : Thursday, February 19, 2015 5:40:47 PM(UTC)

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@Arad an-Bás

Funnily enough, the 'impracticality' of Tom's demon form with a human woman is actually something Im kind of hoping happens as part of Tom working out how different his life is now.

He has been thrown around from situation to situation, and going from extremes of pretending to be 'Big Evil Demon', to pretending to still be human. He hasnt had much time to think about women or how his life will be now, but being a teenager his mind will go back there in time.

Seeing as shapeshifting requires concentration, and nothing gets rid of concentration faster, I imagine an awkward fumbling moment followed by improvising.

That or *pop goes the shapeshift*... and now they are stuck :P
Offline Tizzy  
#8 Posted : Thursday, February 19, 2015 5:52:08 PM(UTC)

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I would have to believe such insecurities would be in his mind.

Now, I don't know, but given his rather "goody good" attitude, my bet is that Tom is a virgin.

Now one could argue that a demoness is not the place for a virgin to start, but given that size issue and the shapeshifting concern, that would mean that a proportionately sized demoness would make the most sense for a first time. However, even a human sized demoness would be better for Edwyrd because if things suddenly double or more in size it wouldn't kill the demoness.

I have to suspect that killing your first sex partner by sudden expansion would be traumatic and might leave one with severe emotional issues.

Unless one started with severe emotional issues to begin with.

Offline Rosver  
#9 Posted : Friday, February 20, 2015 5:30:05 AM(UTC)

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For me, I say... who needs sex?

It just seems stupid that Demons are busy trying to make babies when they don't need to.

But then, Rupert would not have existed. So maybe there is a positive side to this sex thing.

There is also the problem of Tom's children being half demons. That would be especially difficult to those children as exemplified by Rupert. Rupert already expressed his desire to end his life. Well that would not be a problem, I think, if Tom behave like Antefalken, not caring about his offsprings and all. His children could kill themselves for all he cares.


You don't have to be so graphic you know?
Offline Tizzy  
#10 Posted : Friday, February 20, 2015 4:56:08 PM(UTC)

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I'm a demon, I am very demographic!

The main reason demons need to be interested in sex from an Astlanian point of view is that Lust/Carnality is a sin, and therefore, since demons are the epitome of sin and the vile nature of mankind, demons must be into lust and gluttony and all such sins.

Actually, I think most Astlanian's would be disappointed to find out that demons really don't have that much sex. Certainly no more than humans on average.

Actually, it's not particularly easy for a demon to impregnate a mortal. This is another reason they use incubae and succubae, they are built for this sort of thing and change change demon essence into something compatible with humans.

So while Antfalken does sleep around, and has fathered children it doesn't happen that much, and Antefalken is also sort of a special case, he's got some special experience in mortal/demon back and forth that very few demons have. I suspect that makes him more fertile than most. This is something that will be told in Tales of the Demon Bard...some day. It may also help explain his clothes...and why he wears them, why they don't burn or dry out.
Offline Rosver  
#11 Posted : Friday, February 20, 2015 9:15:27 PM(UTC)

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And why do you let the view of others define who you are? You must be insane because others think so? You are worthless because others think so?

Or is it becuase demons are maleable to human thoughts? That prove my theory.

Originally Posted by: Tizzy Go to Quoted Post
So while Antfalken does sleep around, and has fathered children it doesn't happen that much, and Antefalken is also sort of a special case, he's got some special experience in mortal/demon back and forth that very few demons have. I suspect that makes him more fertile than most. This is something that will be told in Tales of the Demon Bard...some day. It may also help explain his clothes...and why he wears them, why they don't burn or dry out.

Well, that is not how I read it. Antefalken had said that he lost count of the number of his offsprings. That only happens when the number is quite big enough to lost count of.

And how would that explain the invulnerability of his clothes? That doesn't make any sense.
Offline Tizzy  
#12 Posted : Friday, February 20, 2015 11:37:48 PM(UTC)

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Well, yes, he's fathered a lot of offspring, but not that frequently. He's pretty old. I've known him for a very very very long time.

Well, I can't answer the vulnerability of the clothes without giving away explicit information that will appear (if you are observant) in book 2.

So it's more like the reason he wears clothes in the first place is in Tales of the Demon Bard. Why clothes don't burn will be possibly more obvious in book 2, at least for those wearing clothes in the abyss; and you will note there aren't that many.

There are hints about his history on the map, and in the timeline.
Offline Rosver  
#13 Posted : Saturday, February 21, 2015 10:04:17 PM(UTC)

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Well, he is 700 years old. Still that does not illiminate the problem of the half demon parency and the pain it would cause.

I wonder what excuse you will have for this clothing and other stuff that seems to remain unspoilt in the extreme heat of the Abyss. Though I note that there are many who wore clothes. Those typical street demons dressed in blue jeans and leather jackets? They are typical.

Of course not to mention those silk and probably other fabric furnishings (curtains, table cloths, upholstery) and similar stuff (carpet, fur, paper).
Offline Tizzy  
#14 Posted : Saturday, February 21, 2015 11:27:05 PM(UTC)

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But again the Courts are Cooler, and the palace and buildings even more so.

Plus, as you will learn in volume II we do trade with worlds where conditions are similarly nasty so we can get materials from those worlds, and those may look like Earth items, but actually be different materials.

I think the key thing to realize is that there is not a single answer for every demon/situation. As I've said, things in the Abyss are pretty hodge podge, a demon finds something that works for them to accomplish a purpose and they stick with it. Two different demons may achieve the same ends by completely different means, which is why I can't tell you every single case/possibility.

I know you are going to be very disturbed by the deck of cards that Antefalken, Talarius, Boggy and Estrebrius are using to play Whist (and the marker as well).
Offline Rosver  
#15 Posted : Monday, February 23, 2015 1:31:33 AM(UTC)

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But Tizzy Antefalken is wearing his clothes outside the Courts. When he meet Tom and Rupert the first time outside Tom's cave, Antefalken is clothed.

And of course the bevarages, espcially wine and other alcoholic ones. There was one scene where you and Boggy carried a bottle of wine to Tom's cave, and of course there is also Antefalken walking all over Abyss with a bottle of wine.

A deck of cards should not be a problem. There are heat resistant plastic, paint and inks.
Offline Madfox11  
#16 Posted : Monday, February 23, 2015 9:59:48 AM(UTC)

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Considering Tom doesn't have a body anymore, or at least not a body in the biological meaning of the word, there is no reason to assume he still has to go through/is in puberty. Do demons even have hormones? In fact, considering the lack of drive for procreation amongst demons, it wouldn't surprise me most demons have no sex drive at all. What need does an energy based being has for that except as a tool to manipulate physical beings perhaps? I also find it unlikely that demons can accidentally have kids. I would expect that magical based creatures need to make a conscious decision to impregnate a physical being. That is based on my admittedly rather limited experience with demons and other spiritual beings, so I might be wrong.

As for Antefalken not remembering how many kids he has, even with just a few kids, if you as a father really don't care, let alone stick around for months to watch the results, you are bound to loose track. The fact that he has centuries just adds to that. Note that he does say that most half-demonic kids are actually normal mortals with at best a weird trait or two. Only very powerful demons tend to generate demonic kids with portals. So Rupert's situation seem to be rather rare.
Offline Tizzy  
#17 Posted : Monday, February 23, 2015 5:58:11 PM(UTC)

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RE: Antefalken's clothes.

I think you misunderstand me, demons that wear clothes (or the vast majority of them) wear clothes everywhere in the Abyss, not just in the courts, how they do that is not based on temperature. You will see what I mean in book ii, if you pay attention, and I know from experience, you do. :)

Do you really think Lillith is going to tour her gold and platinum mines naked?

Have you ever seen Asmodeus when he wasn't impeccably dressed?

RE: Sex drive

Most Astlanians assume that demons are sex starve fiends who want to rape, ravage and pillage, particularly young maidens and princesses, so their bodies come with the equipment to do so (also see the question of # female demons there are)

But, Madfoxii is correct, the bodies are not truly detailed internally anatomically correct. Tom notices this with the dragon, and is concerned about it when eating food as a human, in particular, will he be able to process it.

As a rule, things "work as needed" So if the demon and those who summoned him thinks he's a hormone driven monster, than he is...otherwise not.

You will note that a lot of the lesser demons aren't particularly sex starved. I mean who ever heard of a sex starved Shadow.

There are, however, some sex starved imps, but I again think that's more do to their impish nature and they do it to freak out mortals etc.

Offline Rosver  
#18 Posted : Tuesday, February 24, 2015 3:16:51 AM(UTC)

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My point. Who need sex?

The demons just really has no need for it. Sex is developed for procreation (because we die, and not procreating means death of the species) which demons just don't need at all. I always find it quite ridiculous that creatures that are beyond the limitation of mortals still requires such mortal necessity as sex. You have here creatures who don't need to eat, don't need to drink, could not sleep nor need to, never have to excrete, and find breathing a hindrance; who are immortals and lived for eternity... but they need sex? Bullshit!... well almost. It just sounds so absurd to me.


There are gold and platinum in the Abyss?

Though, why not? As Tom had experienced, modesty seems to be non existent in demons.

And where did you get that strange image. It looks so old fashioned.

Thank god we won't have ghost sex and such. Ridiculous!

Edited by user Tuesday, February 24, 2015 3:52:10 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline Tizzy  
#19 Posted : Tuesday, February 24, 2015 4:22:57 PM(UTC)

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I am sure there is some YAD author out there writing teen ghost story romances along the lines of Twiglight and all the rest.

I mean if you can make vampires sparkle and werewolves cuddly and lovable, why not ghost sex.

I think you are missing the point. Demons are people too, and most/many were people. Sex is not just about procreation, it's also about intimacy and sharing between two (or more) people--and it's pleasurable and fun and all sorts of things.

So those demons that can, are going to want to have pleasure and share pleasure (and pain---lots of S&M, B&D down here)

We experience pain, why not pleasure? You do know that it's a fine line between pleasure and pain. If you can experience pain, then you can experience pleasure.

They are the carrot and the stick.

It's the masochist who is able to mix the two and turn pain into pleasure.

Pain, suffering torment, these are the core fundamentals of demon life.

Thus, the opposites of these must be equally core, so things that cause pleasure: SEX, booze, drugs, rock and roll (music) these must also be integral to demonic existence.
Offline The Author Guy  
#20 Posted : Tuesday, February 24, 2015 11:38:10 PM(UTC)
The Author Guy

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Rosver in regards to Antefalken you say:

Well, he is 700 years old. Still that does not illiminate the problem of the half demon parency and the pain it would cause.

Do you remember where this is? or if you surmise, what led you to this? While it sounds reasonable, I can't figure out where this is written and I need to pindown some dates and times.


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